Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bella & Max

Everything changed forever in our world when Bella and Max came into our lives. They are both an amazing gift to our family. They are both so individual and bring a different dynamic with each new day. Each and every member of this family is completely smitten with these babies!

Bella is a spit-fire! She is so bright, every day she does something new that shocks me. She not only speaks in sentences but she really knows what she is talking about. A couple of days ago Bella proceeded to tell Chelsey, Sydney and I, "look at the bug," pointing to the ceiling. We asked her what kind of bug it was and she went into detail about how it was on our back and crawling. We asked her "Bella is it squishy or fuzzy?" She replied "fuzzy." I then said "is it fuzzy or squishy?" She stated "squishy." She basically repeats whatever you say last. Needless to say we are having a blast with this.

She reminds me of Nemo on the Disney movie Finding Nemo. If you tell her not to touch something, she will touch it just to spite you. She really is a stinker, but because she is so cute she gets away with a great deal, especially with her Daddy. She is such a Daddy's girl, to him she can do no wrong. She melts everyone's heart when she reaches up to you with her little arms outstretched, and says "I need you." How do you say no to that?

What a wonder Sesame Street is! I think we watch this show about 4 hours a day. Bella will repeat over and over "sunny day, sunny day." This means it is time to activate the DVR (a modern miracle) and watch one of the multiple Sesame Street episodes we have recorded. Due to the insanity factor of watching the same one over and over, we have accumulated approximately 25 episodes. However, because of her obsession with Elmo and Dorothy, she not only knows how to sing the alphabet song in full, but if you ask her what a "D" is, she replies "Daddy." If you ask her what an "N" is, she replies "no, no, no." A "P" is Parker, a "C" is cookie, a "J" is jumpin' J (a song on Sesame Street), and on and on. She can also sing "Sing, Sing a Song," the theme from Sesame Street and even Josh Grobin songs, (when Dad and Mom need a break), the songs in Italian are more difficult for her, but we're working on that. She really does surprise me, it's hard to believe because she's not even two years old yet. So thank you Elmo, thank you Dorothy!

Max on the other hand is so content. He just hangs out and plays with his toys. My favorite time is when I walk in the door at night after a long day at work, he is in his exer-saucer or having tummy time on the floor. I walk over and say "hi Max!" He looks up at me with his big blue eyes and grins from ear to ear. To him I am the best thing since sliced bread! He brings me so much joy!

Life is so hectic around our house. Teenage kids running in and out, wanting money, car keys, poster board, help with school work, or a shoulder to cry on. Babies crying, needing food or fresh pants, or just to be held. One day when all of this was coming down at once and I needed just one moment to myself to go to the bathroom, there is a knock at the door. "I need you." I looked at myself in the mirror as I was washing my hands and asked myself "do I have time for a nervous breakdown?" Now Bella was crying for me, I looked back at my reflection and conceded "not today." This is my life.

Sometimes I wonder why the blessing of all these children happened at this time in my life. Every day I realize the miracle of life by looking in my beautiful children's faces. We all have a purpose here on earth, and I know is is an awesome responsibility to help all my children reach their full potential. Somedays I feel like I do a good job, while other days I'm not so sure. I always try to remember what Grandma Sessions always told me "Do your best, that's all angels can do." I also remember something I read, if someone you love makes mistakes you need to "Love them for all that they are, and all that they're not." I hope my children know that they may not be perfect, they will make mistakes, but no matter where their choices lead them, their Mom is always in their corner, no matter what. This I learned from my mother.

I love you babies, all of you!

"You are a piece of a puzzle to someone else's life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you."

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm so glad I found your blog,'s awesome! Your babies are beautiful...all of them!!! You need to write a book...the things you say always inspire me. Have a great week!

Jill Kipp