Sunday, September 14, 2008


Sydney and I canned peach/berry jam last week.  It was so much fun teaching her how to do it!  She was so excited to learn and did such a good job!  I love that she loves to spend time with her old mom!  She reminds me so much of myself and the relationship I have with my Mom.  My Mom is really my best buddy.  We love all the same things.  I feel this relationship developing with my girls and I LOVE IT!

This weekend Jenn, Kristen and I canned homemade salsa.  This is quite the process, not only because of the huge amounts of tomatoes it involves, but because of the onions, anaheim peppers, and jalepeno peppers that physically affect anyone who dares to come near them!  We learned a few things:  1) we already knew not to cut jalepenos without a mask and gloves, 2) also do not cut anaheim peppers without at least gloves, and 3) if for any reason you choose not to do 1 and/or 2, have a bowl of milk nearby.  A google search revealed that if you get the oil from peppers on your hands, dip your hands in milk products, i.e. milk, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, etc.  DO NOT wash them with water (we learned the hard way) because your fingers will feel like they are on fire for approximately 2 1/2 days (also learned the hard way).  Just a tip for all my friends and family.  For the record, the salsa is awesome and it was so much fun spending time with my sisters!


Jennifer said...

the salsa was beautiful but my hands tingled for days! love you!

kellykumquat said...

Lisa! You are the canning queen! I truly hope my girls still want to hang out with their mom when they get older. I hope we can be best friends too! Thanks for sharing your blog. love,
kelly d