Saturday, September 6, 2008

Labor Day Pool Party!!

The Saturday of Labor Day weekend we all were invited to Chuck's and Kris' house for a pool party. We did it Saturday due to an impending weather change which was going to drop the temperature from a sweltering 97 degrees to 60 something degrees, with rain. Good call! After the Farmer's Market, we were all hot, the pool was a welcome sight. It was the perfect day for a pool party. Chuck and Kris are always so gracious and show us all such a good time. I think everyone enjoyed the water, especially the kids. Parker is always a fish, and missed going to his mom's house to spend time in the pool with the family. He was so cute and helpful with the babies.


Unknown said...

Which WHALE toy does Max love to play with? I can figure out which one you are talking about. Sure wish I could see some Arizona family with Bella & Max and the Beauty Queens someday!!!
Love you all.
Aunt Marni
Way over in Texas

Brooke said...

Hi Lisa!
It was great to hear from you! Your family is beautiful and so are you...I miss seeing you. I need to stop in and say hi soon.
Let's keep in touch!

jill said...

Wow Lisa you have done some serious posting!! I love the new additions and your cute background!! I think you are a little obsessed with slideshows!! I love them though!! You are so cute and I love knowing you!!!