Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Troy!!!

Troy, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and tell you how much you mean to me. I love you for so many reasons. I love how much you love our children. You are such a wonderful father, sometimes you are more of a friend to our older kids than you should be but I know it is because you thoroughly love spending time with them. I love to watch you with our babies. Bella is such a Daddy's girl. She will walk right past me, just to jump into your arms. I watch Max cry when you turn and walk away from him. He just wants to be with you. You are so loved, there is nothing more precious than being loved by a child.

I love the way you take care of me, pouring me a bath at the end of a long day of work, trying to pamper me as much as I will let you. I love how I will pick up my phone to call you and you will say "I was just about to call you! You are spooky!" I love how you are always so quick to tell me to buy something for myself, even if we don't have much extra money while convincing me by saying "you deserve it!" A fun day for me is spending time with you whether it is going to Costco, Wal-mart, or Home Depot. Cooking with you is also fun, except when you start adding your "secret ingredients." You can always calm me down when my world feels like it is falling in around me.

I will never forget how proud you were of me when I graduated with my hygiene degree. You are always so supportive of all of my "projects" and you are my biggest fan. I know I don't look like the same woman you married, having lost a leg and gained a "few" pounds from being pregnant for two years (pretty much), however I love you like I did back then, now a hundred times more. I can't wait to grow old with you, to watch our children grow up and to see you with their children. You are my sun, my moon, my love, my life. Happy birthday, Honey, I hope you have a fabulous day!

I just wanted to give you some of your favorite things for your birthday: Faith Hill, the Manning brothers, and FOOTBALL!! I wish it could be more.


Unknown said...


The Abele Family said...

Happy Birthday Troy!
Haha! go cowboys and jags!
Just had to put that in.

Jill said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TROY!!! You rock our socks!

The Kipps

Vicky said...

Happy Birthday Troy!! Lisa you are really good with words, and you guys are so great together!! love you.