Monday, September 7, 2009

Wedding Details

The things I always remember most about a wedding are the details, the little things that are almost so subtle it may be a couple of days before you realize that they were even there. I was determined to make Chelsey's wedding so full of details that people would be talking about her day for several weeks after the event. In order to have this kind of impact, it takes a team of individuals to pull it off. I would just like to take a minute and thank several amazing people that made a huge impact on Chelsey's day.

First of all thanks to my Mother and my sisters Jenn and Kris who helped me make the bridesmaids dresses. I think we were all so sick of those dresses that if we never had to see them again we would have been fine. However, when the procession started and the girls started walking down the aisle with their escorts, it actually took my breath away they were so stunning! Jenn, thank you for making 35 table cloths. You are my hero!

Kelly Dyches my friend, thank you for designing the fabulous invitations! They were truly amazing and were exactly what Chelsey envisioned. They really set the mood for the entire wedding. You really outdid yourself!

Pam Whitlock, the flowers were stunning. The bouquets, corsages, and boutonnieres were all gorgeous! The decorative flowers were also amazing, what vision you have! Also, thanks for helping me through all the drama.

Suzzi Williams, you are my rock! Thank you for always getting my back through this whole process. You helped Chelsey and I make the decorations work! You really know what you are doing! Also, thank you for doing the photo booth, it was such a hit! Check out her website: People are still talking about it! Also the "candy bar" was so much fun, I want to know where you got the cherry lips, YUM! Thank you Lorna, you are my favorite! Thank you for the yummy lemon bars and eclairs. I love you so much and think you are one of the most wonderful women I know!

Sandy Sjoblom and girls--thank you for cooking all the delicious food. I can't believe you made over 500 homemade rolls, what a woman! You are such an angel, I will never forget what you did for Chelsey and I. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Also, thank you Gloria Hintze for the hookup with the chicken, you saved me so much money! You are such an amazing lady and I am so happy you are my friend!

Thank you to my brother Aaron (Artie) for all the fabulous music, you really set the mood with smooth jazz and oldies for the dinner portion of the evening and taking it over the top to Boom-Boom POW for the reception. The music rocked! Also, thank you Connie McCullough for the quartet that set the mood for the ceremony, you are wonderful!

Thank you to Natalie, Chelsea, and Shar for getting off work early and coming straight to the venue to help us decorate. It is so wonderful to have such amazing friends! Thanks to Jared for letting Whitney and Whitney have the day off for Chelsey, you are my favorite!

To Shauna Leake, thank you for not just offering to help, but actually doing it! You are such a Great Lady! Thanks again for just being there and having such an amazing smile!

To the Cavalry, Mike & Patricia, Sugarbabe, Steve & Linda, Heidi & Eddie, & Debbie, I don't know what I would have done without you! You got off the plane and went straight to work helping us pull this thing off. If you have ever seen the last Lord of the Rings movie, I felt like I did when Gandolf rode down the hill with the huge army to save the day, like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I don't think I can ever repay you for giving me such a gift! I can't even tell you all how much you mean to me, but just know you are all in my heart!

Todd Peterson, you are my favorite! Thank you for videotaping the evening! I can't wait to see this day over and over again! You are such a good friend, thanks for being there for Chelsey and Kasey!

Last but not least, my friend Clarisee who captured this day on film so we can laugh, cry and feel the emotions we experienced that day, forever and ever! You know how dear you are to me and how I feel about you. That will never change. If you ever need me or anything from me, just call my name!

I have said it so many times before but I am so blessed to have all of you in my life! Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

1 comment:

kellykumquat said...

Happy to do it, Lisa! Everything you do is wonderful, meaningful and worthwhile. Your words of wisdom on marriage were profound. Thanks for being such a good example to me of a woman doing amazing things with her life!