Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picking Tomatoes

Saturday night, Troy and the babies and I were outside just enjoying the fall weather. Bella and Max kept running over to our vegetable garden, picking tomatoes. They picked red ones and green ones so Troy told them "only pick red ones." So they proceeded to pick tomatoes, running back and forth. They were so cute, as I watched them it took me back to my childhood, doing chores around the house and in the yard. My parents started giving us chores at a very young age which is probably why we all have such a strong work ethic. I remember my mother always telling us "many hands make light work" which is something I have told my own children. I think these days we want to be able to hand our children everything without making them work for it, which in my opinion is a mistake. As a child, we had to earn at least half of everything we got, i.e., bikes, skateboards, etc. I have always appreciated that instilled virtue of hard work, it has never hurt me and it made me appreciate the things I had much more. It made me a strong person, so for that I am glad.

"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile." --William Cullen Bryant

Fall is a special feeling to me it means time for harvesting, canning, and baking. I remember as a child waking up to my mother canning peaches, apricots, pears and cherries. I remember homemade jam on whole wheat bread, ground in our own wheat grinder and baked in the oven. This is just a small part of what fall is to is cozy moments spent with family and friends. Troy always says he loves this time of year, lots and lots of homemade treats!

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all." --Stanley Horowitz

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