Sunday, October 11, 2009

To My Daughters...

"Chelsey" means safe harbor. You are protected from storms and currents, you weather the storms of life with grace & beauty.

You were named "Sydney Michelle" because every woman that I have ever known named Sydney had strength of character and Michelle means "who resembles God."

You and your father.

To my beautiful daughters:

I know you are going through a difficult time right now. We have no control over anyone but ourselves and sometimes this is a hard pill to swallow. You are surrounded by people who love you, seek out those people. They are the ones who will get you through your heartache over your dad. People have their free agency to do whatever they choose and unfortunately sometimes other people's choices take away your free agency and limit your options. Remember my favorite quote:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."--Eleanor Roosevelt

You can choose your own path, don't ever let anyone else dictate who you are or where you are going. Don't ever forget how much I love you both. You are everything to me and I would do anything for you, I am always here.

With love,

"The closest to being in control we will ever be is in that moment that we realize we're not." --Brian Kessler

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