Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Day at the Zoo!

This morning Sydney, Bella, Max and I all took off early and went to the zoo. It was an absolutely gorgeous fall day here in Utah at about 67 degrees so we took advantage and spent it at the zoo. The little ones love animals and were especially excited to see the new baby elephant "Zuri" that was born this summer. I always enjoy spending time with my kids and today was no exception. Sydney is always game for any adventure I may come up with, she is my little buddy! We always have so much fun together! The babies are so full of wonder! It is so exciting to see things through their eyes! Bella was a little disappointed because she didn't get to see the lions. I tried to explain to her that the lion at the Hogle Zoo wasn't there anymore. I can't remember if it got sent somewhere else or if it died. I think it died but nonetheless, she was sad! I think she was talking about the lion we saw at the Wild Animal Park last year in San Diego.

Anyway, we all had a fabulous day! The leaves up Immigration Canyon were beautiful and just spending time with my children is always a pleasure!

Bella looking at the monkeys

Max just wanted to get out and run!

The zebras are Sydney's favorite animal.

Sydney and Max on the Carousel, on a zebra no less!

A momma and baby monkey, can you see his sweet face?

A black bear waking up from his nap!

The star of the show...Zuri! She was absolutely adorable...the kids loved her!

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