Sunday, October 19, 2008

Witches Night Out!!

Witches Night Out at Gardner Village is one of our favorite things to do as a family. It is the biggest costume party I have ever seen! It actually isn't until October 24th and 25th, but last year when we went it was wall to wall people!  We wanted to avoid the crowd this year so we went a week early with Jenn, Nate and Logan.  Gardner Village has events all month long so no matter when you go, there are so many things going on. Almost everyone dresses up like witches. We were going to dress the kids up, but we ordered Bella's costume on line and it won't be here till this week. Bummer! Max was in awe of everything going on around him. He just kicked back and watched everybody. He is so dang cute!! It is so much fun there, they have music piped all over the village. Chelsey and Sydney were dancing in the street with a bunch of other people. They love any opportunity to just let their hair down and have fun! We ran into our friend Suzzi who owns a photo booth, she takes it to different events and parties. She let the girls take some pictures, let were so cute!! They thought it was tons of fun! We are going to have her come and do Chelsey's and Kasey's wedding. Check out what she does on her website at We finished off the night with a visit to Sweet Afton's Candy Shop. Bella was in heaven! Troy let her pick out a few of her favorite treats. He regretted it later when she was bouncing off the walls with a sugar high! What a fun night we had!!


jill said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!! We need to go visit Gardner Village before the end of October!! Max and Bella looks so cute!!

The Abele Family said...

How cute! I need to take Payton out there. She wouls like watching all the people as Max did. He is getting so big. Perfect boyfriend for Payton. See you at work. I know you are there reading this. Drinking your coffee!! Busted

Corpuz Family said...

It was fun running into you guys with Jenn and Nate! Your family is so cute!

kellykumquat said...

Lisa! You have THE cutest blog ever! Move over "the cutest blog on the block" Lisa's in town! I need lessons from you. Your family is beautiful! It's so fun to see what you're all up to. I'm tired reading about it all . . .whew!

Vicky said...

sooo fun!! I love it there...

Lindsay said...

you always do such fun things! Fun!

My mom and dad are coming out for Cooper's bday in two weeks (you can come too if you want) and I wanted to send some bows back for bella. What colors would you like???? Really.