Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Night!!!

We spent Halloween night at my Mom's house with all of my family.  Mom and Kris made a yummy dinner of chili, grilled cheese sandwiches and fruit salad. The kids were so excited to see their cousins! We haven't been able to see them for awhile so they were happy to celebrate Halloween together. We are so lucky that all of our kids love to be together, it makes family parties so much fun! All the kids got dressed up and we all set out on a beautiful October night. The temperature was about 60 degrees which made it so pleasant! Utah Halloween's can be cold, wet or even snowy! I was so happy that is was so nice outside. We did get a little bit of rain, there is a storm coming in a few days so it had to tease us a little. We just went around the block, Bella was getting tired. Max had the "luxury wagon" so he was fine whatever we did. We also didn't want Bella to get too much candy (sugar high, no thanks)! After we walked around the block, we decided to go and see my old boss, Dr. Marty Bingham and his wife, Linda. I hadn't seen him for so long and we wanted to show off the babies. It was so good to see them! Troy and I both love them to pieces. They absolutely loved the babies and were so cute with them.  After we visited with the Bingham's for awhile we went back to Mom's for donuts and warm carmel apple cider.  What a fun evening, the babies slept good that night!

While we were at the Bingham's, Bella climbed up on Linda's grand piano.  Her piano is so beautiful and in pristine condition.   I was quick to stop her, but Linda wanted to see what she would do.  Linda is a pianist and is also a retired kindergarten teacher so she is amazingly patient. Bella climbed up on the bench and started playing with her fingers. Linda was in awe!  She explained that children usually bang on the piano but she pointed out how Bella was actually playing with her fingers.  It wasn't anything spectacular but it wasn't noise.  She encouraged us to buy a cheap piano and get her into a Suzuki teacher/program. We are always amazed in Bella. I don't know what this child's future will be, but it is definitely promising. 

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