Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Denver Broncos Game!

A patient of mine gave me two tickets for the Denver Broncos/Miami Dolphins game on November 2nd.  I was so excited, I knew Troy would be in "heaven."  He loves any opportunity to see a live football game.  We tried every way we could think of to make it work but we just couldn't make it to the game.  Troy and I decided to give the tickets to Chelsey and Kasey as a gift.  They have been stressed out because of Kasey's accident, and Chelsey is just working so hard that we thought a diversion would be great!  Troy made all the arrangements for them and they took off for a road trip to Denver.  Neither of them are football fans, but they were really excited to go.  They left on Saturday morning and got there that evening, having stopped a few times along the way.  They were great about checking in with us so we didn't worry.

On Sunday, they got to the game early so they could watch everything (plus they aren't too familiar with Denver).  They were on the phone about every 15 minutes, relaying details to Troy.  He was very jealous, but happy for them to have this experience.  They really had fun at the game, especially watching all the crazy fans!  They said they had a great time, even though Denver lost.  I am so glad they had the opportunity to go, and thank you Ric for the tickets!  You really are my favorite! 

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