Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Special Thanks to Special People!!

I wish every time I had a thought, feeling, or emotion that I had the time to sit down and write about it. This is probably why I was never a good journal-keeper because I do everything on the "fly" (on the run)! At this precise moment in my life I feel so fragmented, stressed about everything going on, hoping I am doing everything to the best of my ability (highly unlikely)! In the midst of all the craziness in my life, I am so blessed to have my "angel friends" (this includes family) that glide in and out of my life almost constantly. The tears are flowing as I think about the amazing heros in my life. There have been many times when I have actually questioned my Heavenly Fathers love for me because of the seemingly unending stress. When I feel like I am going to burst, I look around at all the angel faces that I am so blessed to have in my life, and I know how much he does love me. I just want to thank a few people specifically for the phone calls, texts, and emails just saying "what can I do."

Clarisee - you are one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. I love seeing the world through your eyes, and what a beautiful place it is! I love you dearly my friend, and I love you for loving my kids! You are such an amazingly talented woman, you have definitely reached the next level!

Carol - you are my eternal friend! You are my sister from another mother, we are so much alike it is scary! If I have to give up chocolate, diet coke and salt, you are the one I want to do it with! You are always in my corner and I know it! "I love you more than my luggage!"

Jenn - I know I already wrote this on your blog but if I have to be in a world of chaos, I want you nearby! You are my rock and the one I can count on. You make me laugh through my tears and you never quit until it is done. I need you in my life, always. You are my sunshine!

Mom - What would I do without you, you are always here for me and I am so eternally grateful! I must be the luckiest person in the world to have a mother like you (along with my other 7 siblings)! I don't know how you manage to be there for all of us, but you do it somehow. When God created you he must have sat back and said "I have really outdone myself." I hope you know how much I love you because I really need to step it up if you don't. Thank you for always working elbow to elbow with me no matter what I am doing. I think you, me and Jenn make a good team. I love you.

There are so many more of you that I need to thank, but I just wanted to take a few minutes and "document" exactly what I was feeling at the moment. I am so blessed. I know I don't seem like myself right now but I want you to know that I am still the same person underneath it all and I am so grateful to those around me. I am just happy that circle is a big one!

Have a Fabulous day everyone!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thank you for your sweet words, Lisa. You are a very special person to me. Really everything I do for you is all a return for the time you and Craig sat and uncombed my rat's nest of hair when I was young. That took a lot of guts...and conditioner! I love working side by side with you because it never seems like work; it's always a good time! I think you, mom, and I do make a good team; we could probably take on the world!! Or clothe it!