Saturday, January 31, 2009

"The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn..."

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
--Moulin Rouge

I don't know if I even knew that Sugarbabe's name was really Margaret for the first two years of my marriage to Troy.  One day I asked him why he always called her Sugarbabe instead of Grandma.  He told me that when he was a little boy she would always call him "sugarbabe" so he used the same endearment for her.  Having known her for the last 10+ years, I don't think I could ever call her anything else.  She is the most loving and caring woman I think I have ever known.  When I am around her, I watch her.  I watch her get drinks for her family, cook dinner, find computer "stuff," she is always moving!  When we come to visit she always has a bunch of diapers, wipes, baby clothes, toys, dishes and spoons for the babies, as well as various types of food.  We never have to buy anything for the kids when we are there.  She is always thinking of everyone else.  

I watch her two sons, Mike and Steve care for her.  It is obvious they do it with so much love, a tribute to the mother she has always been to them.  They would do anything for her, trying to fill the void in her life since Papa passed away.  We all see the sadness in her eyes, any of us would do whatever we could to help take some of that sadness away.  We decided as a family to go to California over New Years to celebrate her birthday.  We hoped in some way, it would give her something to look forward to and focus on.  I don't know if it helped, but we were so happy to be with Troy's family and spend time just with her.  I know Bella, Max, and our family entourage are a handful, but I think children always help us get our minds off of our problems and focus on something else.  They are so carefree and innocent! 

We have been trying to figure out for a while now who Max looks like with his bright blue eyes, chubby dimpled cheeks, and curly blonde hair!  Sugarbabe pulled out a picture of Papa when he was a toddler, they could have been twins!  Mystery solved!

Sugarbabe, you are the matriarch of our family and example to us in everything you do.  I want you to know how much I personally love you and appreciate the role model you have been for me.  I couldn't have picked a more wonderful family to be a part of.  Thank you for taking me and my girls into your family and into your life.  I love the quote "The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."  Thank you for this life lesson, like I said, I watch.  

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