Saturday, February 20, 2010

Special Time with our Fisher Family!

is always so nice to leave the cold and snow of Utah and take a nice trip to Southern California to spend time with our family. We look forward to our visits with all the Fishers, we always have so much fun together even if we are just sitting together talking and laughing. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family! Time spent together is priceless. We wouldn't trade one moment of our time in California for anything in the world!

This trip was especially momentous because on New Years day I made a resolution to myself that this was the year for me to focus on myself and achieve my dreams. I have spent so many years taking care of everyone else, I decided I needed to focus on my goals. Having said this to Troy, I was enjoying the beautiful sunny morning, having breakfast with the people I love and had just sat down to text my dearest friend Clarisee (who was coming to see me that day). I couldn't have been more happy or content when a seagull flew by and pooped all over me. When I say all over me, I mean ALL OVER me. Stunned, I sat there not knowing exactly what to do or what to think. Everyone had rushed over for the photo opportunity and to help me in whatever way they possibly could (priorities people)! As I sat there with everyone trying to clean me up, I couldn't help but think "why me?" Instantly I gained perspective on the situation and thought to myself "if this is the worst thing that happens to me all year then I'm good!" All bad things in one big pile of poop!

I was relating this story to one of my patients one day and she gasped and said to me "don't you know what that means? If a bird poops on your head it is a sign of good luck!" I couldn't believe my extreme could I be so lucky! I was glad I chose to see this as an opportunity for growth not as a punishment or an event with negative consequences. Seeing the good in situations isn't always easy for me, I always try to remind myself to act and not react. Life is hard enough with all the things we can't control, the way we respond is very important, our reaction or should I say ACTION definitely makes life easier and more fun, and if you can laugh about it...even better! I wish for all those I love a happy and prosperous New Year and may the bird of life poop upon your head!

"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, & achieves the impossible." --Author unknown

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