Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall Days

This weekend the weather changed. It rained all day Saturday, continued Sunday morning but Sunday afternoon the sun came out. There was a chill in the air and it finally felt like Fall is here! Fall is my most favorite time of the year. Utah falls are some of the most spectacular I have ever seen. There is something in the air, I can't explain it. It is a feel, a smell, the mountains...something. Fall usually starts when football starts.  Troy and I both miss watching Parker play football!  We loved wearing our "Silverwolves" sweatshirts, taking our camp chairs, blankets, and hot chocolate all in preparation to watch Parker play.  We are happy we have Maximus "the Tank" Fisher to continue the tradition of football in our family.

My kids can always tell when it is fall because I bake! Troy and the kids love this time of year for that very reason. I don't always have time to cook so when I do, they love it! I love it when the weather is cold and dreary, it gives me a chance to spend the day with my family. The older kids stay home and "hang out" with us. I love this! We just hung out with our family all weekend, it was so awesome!  I am so much like my Dad in this respect. I remember my Dad telling me I couldn't go out with my friends when I was a teenager. I would ask him "why?" He would respond "because I just want you home." I never really understood this until I became a parent. Sometimes we as parents, just want our children around us. It makes us feel safe and complete. When my older kids are out, I feel as though something is missing. It is a weird parent thing I guess. Mother Hen needs her chicks tucked safely under her wing, watching movies and eating homemade cookies!

Halloween Myspace Dividers

Tagged again!!

I have been tagged again by my friend Kristy.  I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond but I am a fragmented, working mother!  Here I go:

*Two names I go by:  Troy calls me "Lil' Lisa" and Tammy at work calls me "Lala."
*Two things I am wearing right now:  Exercise pants and a sweat jacket (it is chilly outside and I refuse to turn on the heat just yet).
*Two things I want in my life right now:  More financial stability (this economy is the pits!) and a much needed mini-vacation to the Homestead (a long weekend would be good, I don't have any vacation days left due to maternity leave).
*Two things I did last night:  Made homemade tomato soup and biscuits and homemade oatmeal cookies for dinner, and played with my babies before they went to sleep (this is my favorite thing to do every night).
*Two things I ate today:  Homemade oatmeal cookie and pico de gallo and chips.
*Two of my favorite drinks:  Diet coke and WATER!
*Five people I am tagging:  Jenn Dastrup, Lindsey Barfuss, Karen Derr, Kelly Dyches, and Jenn Kay.  YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED!

"If I could, I would walk through the night, gently gathering up all the most beautiful dreams in the world one by one, I would tuck them into a basket woven from star beams, until the basket overflowed.  Then I would tiptoe to your house & spill them out whispering...these are for one who deserves only beautiful things."   --Unknown


jill said...

Cute pictures!! I too love the fall season!! I know your kids love your baking, because I love it. You have the best recipes ever!!

Lindsay said...

I miss you all so so so much!!! Yep, we are having a girl!! But, sadly this is the the last baby for us (lots of pregnancy issues and weirdo body stuff... i will tell you more later) But we are ok with it. We should get together soon!

Erica said...

Lisa! How fun to hear from you! Your blog is adorable (and now that I know it's here I'll be checking it all the time)! Your kids are so cute - congrats on your latest additions! :o) Come back to my blog anytime!

*The Holbrook Family* said...

Lisa, thanks for doing the tag. It is always fun to read fun things about others that you may not have known. I enjoy reading your blog, you write fun stuff. Fall is also my very favorite season but it is so hard to enjoy it living in Vegas. I so miss SLC, this time of year.