Sunday, January 24, 2010

Goodbye Sugarbabe!

On November 8, 2009 sweet Sugarbabe fell asleep after a beautiful day with family and went to be with Papa. We are all so saddened she isn't here with us but we know she is where she wanted to be, by the side of her lifelong sweetheart. It is hard to be sad knowing she is with Papa but we miss her so much, sometimes we are selfish and wish she were back here with us. I miss our weekly phone calls on Saturday or Sunday morning when we would talk about the babies, what had happened the week before, or just simply the weather. She would always ask me "how are the newlyweds?" She loved knowing what everyone was doing and what we all had accomplished. I so miss those phone calls! She loved reading my blog and said she would read it several times a day, just in case she missed something! My blog became a symbol of the love I have for her, I would try to post things I thought she would like, it has been hard for me to post without her as my inspiration.

We were so blessed to be able to see her 3 times last year for several days, we celebrated her 89th birthday last New Years which was a hard one for her, it was her first birthday and anniversary away from Papa. We wanted to give her something to plan for so we took a road trip to spend it with her. We were so blessed to have her here for Chelsey and Kasey's wedding and then afterwards at Chuck's cabin. We spent 3 days doing nothing but spending time together. I will never forget one morning at the cabin, Sugarbabe in her beautiful pink robe just waking up and having breakfast together...I loved that moment! It was always so wonderful watching her interact with Bella and Max, playing with them and sometimes just watching them play. I am so glad they know her and have memories and pictures with her!

I wouldn't trade one moment of the time I spent with Sugarbabe! Every moment is so precious to me. I am so glad I listened to my instincts and made the phone call I did a few days before she died. I called her because Bella had fallen against the fireplace and split her head open, Troy was at work and I just needed someone to calm me down. She always had such words of wisdom and would always make me feel more calm. I miss our conversations so much!

I recently attended a funeral of a dear friend and the priest said something so powerful, he said "we come into this world with nothing...not even clothes on our back and we leave this world with nothing but the love we shared with those around us and the compassion we shared with others." Sugarbabe left this earth with more riches than the wealthiest man. Her love of family and the legacy of service and love were such an example to all of us. These memories of Sugarbabe I will pass on to my children. I miss her desperately but she will always be in my heart, no matter where I go or what I do, I love you Sugarbabe!


Jennifer said...

Sweet Lisa,
I know you are incredibly busy with kids and work and other necessities. And I know you are sad about Sugarbabe. You loved her so much and were writing these posts to keep her updated.

However, I enjoy reading this blog too and your starting to neglect it. I'm starting to see virtual-tumbleweeds and hear cyber-crickets. If I may, a quote from a favorite movie, "There are still good times to be had!"

I love reading your thoughts and viewing what is important to you! In short, Update Please!

Your Sister Blogger

HeidiH said...
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HeidiH said...

I 100% agree with your sister. One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Seuss, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."

The loss of Sugarbabe and Papa has greatly impacted our entire family. We've all struggled in these last few months. But, if there were one thing we could do to keep their memory alive, it would be to continue to celebrate the wonder of family.

Their greatest joy would be to know that we all keep connected and find immense joy in our families. Your blog is a special way we continue to feel close and involved in your lives. So, I'm thrilled you've started again.

Love you all so much,

Heidi (San Diego Fisher)